sobota, 12. september 2009

An overtone of pure idiocy?

Tole, kar sledi, je mal okrajšan transkript iz filma The ugly truth. U bistvu sm si ga zloudala sam zarad über hot Gerarda Butlerja. Ampak film v prve pol ure postreže z zelo zabavnim dialogom. Med moškim in žensko. Dddddd.
Aja, gre se pa o tem, kako se obnašat, da desca dobiš. Ja, pa je kr v originalu, ker se mi ni dal prevajat. Pa še ves žmoht pol zgine.

Moški: Rule nr. 1: never criticise.
Ženska: Not even if it's constructive?!
M: Never. Men are incapable of growth, change or progress. For men self-improvement ends at toilet training.
Ž: Hm...
M: Rule nr. 2: Laugh at whatever he says.
Ž: What if what he says isn't funny?
M: That's irrelevant. A fake laugh is like a fake orgasm.
Ž: Fake orgasm is good?!
M: No, but a fake orgasm is better than no orgasm at all.
Ž: But fake orgasm IS no orgasm!
M: Only to you. See, you're not the only person in the room, you know. Let's not get selfish.
Ž: (Se zasmeje)
M: Now that was perfect. Real or fake?
Ž: You'll never know.
M: Rule nr.3: Men are very visual. If your style is all about comfort and efficiency - drop it.
Ž: What's wrong with comfort and efficiency?!
M: Nothing except no one wants to fuck it.
Ž: But I don't want to be perceived as a bimbo.
M: And we don't want you to be a bimbo. You have to be two people. The saint and the sinner. The librarian and the stripper. On the one hand you have to push the guy away with the cold indifference, on the other you have to be a sexually teasing tornado.

A to je vse?!
Mala malca! :D

Ja, skor sm umrla od smeha. In jp, Gerard je še zmer über hot.

Še eden za kategorijo I most definitely would. Madona, mrbit bom pa res novo rubriko odprla :)).

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